Tuesday, July 1, 2014

The Great Wars

It is amazing to me to see how society can change so drastically over a small period of time. Last class we discussed the effects of imperialism on other nations. It is interesting to read the effects of Imperialism on European nations. The term Nationalism is very interesting because this term truly was the root to all the terror to come during these major wars. I personally find it hypocritical when looking how Britain, France and Russia treated Germany, Austria and Italy. Actually I feel frustrated with all of these nations. After these European nations went out and destroyed the world with their ideals I found it rather ironic how they turned on each other. When reading about passed the Enlightenment era and humanism, it really leads someone to see the potential in the human race. But seeing how humans have destroyed each other over insecurities, and national is just a disgrace. Seeing how the Nazis treated the Jews is something that made me so mad. What I am also upset about is that none of the so called Allied countries helped out these people until it was too late. The Nazi rise of superior peoples is still an after affect that can be seen in Europeans today. It’s really hard to read how chemical warfare worsened the human existences. Seeing how Nazis killed Jewish people in means of concentrations camps and gas chambers makes me feel sick to my stomach. But what is also just as frustrating is seeing how America dropped atomic bombs on the Japanese people. And it really makes you think how the prospect of war changed in this era. I feel that the term “causality of war” was termed after the WW2 because the death counts of countless civilians. It’s sad when people are powerless because of the actions of their governments on the road for greed and power.